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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

43. Kansas Museum of History

On the morning of March 19,our adventure took us to the Kansas Museum of Histoy.  We did not even care that it was cold and rainy, because the museum was warm and dry

Our first stop on this adventure was the Discovery Place where the kids could touch and play to their hearts desire.  There were several locations where you could dress up and pretend to be a pioneer, cowboy, train engineer, etc.  There was a tepee as well as a log cabin kitchen area. There was a puppet theater and the kids favorite--a circus area with games to play.  We all spun the wheel to see what we're going to be when we grow up:  Mommy=doctor, Daddy=movie star, Sister=astronaut, and Brother=scientist.  We'll see just how true those prove to be.  :)
Angel's favorite part of the museum was the current display about 150 Things I Love About Kansas.  She agreed with amost everything out there and loved the areas where you could interact with the displays and vote, or answer questions, or get more answers.  We all took the quiz to see what Kansas Symbol we are.  Mom and Dad are buffalos and the kiddos are Sunflowers.  How fun!
The permanent exhibit takes you through the history of Kansas from its beginning to modern day.  There is even a train you can climb up on or (in the case of Angel) ride a lift.

We got to learn some interesting things about restaurants and food that had begun in Kansas.  Looks like we'll have more eating adventures to do.
The kiddos loved the playground and especially being able to slid into the back of a truck.  Even the cold and rain couldn't keep them from playing.
Our son would love these boots.  :)

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