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Monday, March 14, 2011

40. Exploring Walker

Walker is an unincorporated town that we have driven by on I-70 many times in our lives.  Until we started this journey, we had never thought to stop.  Once we have started looking for all the interesting things Kansas has to offer, it has changed our outlook on our travels.  When we passed Walker on our way to Wichita, we decided that the next time we went by (providing the weather was better), we would stop and check it out.  It is a very small town with a couple of pieces of interesting architecture. 
However, it's claim to fame is the former home of the Walker Army Airfield.  The Airfield was built in 1942 and currently looks like a ghost town.  There are rements of the Airfield buildings, etc, but No Tresspassing signs around the airfield.  It seems to us someone should take it upon themselves to preserve this piece of history and make it somewhere people can visit and learn about the history of part of Kansas' part in World War II.  Angel's Grandma said she remembers when the base was in operation and filled with "soldier boys."

We also were able to find the Ft. Fletcher bridge.  This bridge represents the short-lived fort that was then moved and became Ft. Hays.  We didn't even know Ft. Fletcher had existed.

Mailboxes in the country between Walker and Victoria


Seanpt said...

Awesome pictures as always.

That first building does not look safe at all. Are there any signs or anything that say to keep away, keep so many feet back?

I wouldn't want to be near that on a windy day ... or any day.

I guess this is where someone tells me that it has looked like that for the last 15 years.

Anonymous said...

Just found your great blog about Kansas. Awesome!

Moderator said...

The buildings probably are not safe. There are old tractor tires all around that say trespassers will be prosecuted, however my camera has a good digital zoom... :-)