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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

42. Kansas State Capital

The Kansas State Capital was our next stop.  We even took the official tour. It was currently under construction.  Seems like it is always under construction, but at least we got to take a picture of North America's largest free standing crane.  So, we had to work around concrete walls and other constructionm, but at least we got to peek.
Part of the excitement of the tour is getting to hear the history of the building and the artwork on all the walls.  Taking the tour is definitely worth your time and effort.  The Representatives were meeting while we were on tour, so the tour guide could not go in and we did not take any pictures, but we did get to go in and observe for a few minutes.  It was interesting to see all the KU Jayhawks and KSU Wildcats sitting on the Representatives desks.
Governor's Desk

The kids favorite part of the capital was the cage elevator run by an operator.  I (Angel) think it was like a thrill ride for them.  My arm got squeezed every time we were on it.  : My favorite part of the capital was the bathroom.  It was the first time I remember using a bathroom with a push button automatic door.  I definitely felt like a rock star--I didn't even have to open the door for myself   The also have a very cool way to get me down the stairs if the elevators are not working.    It's called a Life Slider.  Just strap me in and send me down the stairs.  Maybe I could even be part of the Olympic Bobsledding Team.

We did manage to find a couple more Pete Felton sculptures on our tour.  The history of the Indian on the top of the capital is interesting as well.  Originally, they wanted to put a Jayhawk (to represent Kansas citizens, I'm sure), but the Wildcat fans would have nothing to do with it.  So, an Indian it turned out to be.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
William Allen White

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